I am excited. I am filled with so much life, energy, vision. Inspired even! The same type of adrenaline I always feel before I set off on a big holiday. It has been 2 years coming. Every since I started blogging and telling my little stories. A desire inside of me started brewing. Of wanting to showcase my thoughts, views, quirks through the eye of the lens. Having visual communication of what I see and feel of things, and stages of my life.
It has been way too many “
Oh! If only I had time to do this.” Or “
Man. If only I could take photos like that.” And. “
Where the hell is Salem in this shot?!.. oh.. hang on.. yeah.. I see the black spot.” AND getting really sick of hearing myself say, “
If only..!!”
*fist in the air*
So about a month ago,
(despite my incredibly busy year end life) I took matters into my hands and enrolled myself into a digital photography course. And this week, I attended my first digital photography class! *BEAM*
In slightly over a month, I will learn;
- how to optimize my digital camera
- how to set aperture / shutter speeds / ISO
- how to freeze moving objects
- how to blur them out
- take black & whites
- photoshop for picture manipulation
- angle / artistic / close ups
- gone on a photo-taking expedition
- and other bits and pieces that will give you the foundation to take digital photography to the next level.
A resounding “
So here I am, doing my first digital photography assignment. Experimenting with “
White Balance”. And SO having a ball!!
Pic – its Salem’s string puppet toy sitting on a little vege pile. I used Picasa to grid the pics which cropped them up a little… ah well.. I’ll get fussy when I get better… hehe.