Summer is such a busy time of the year. We are fast approaching the end of spring and have already entered into daylight savings.
I LOVE the longer days. It just gives you so much more energy and motivation to do stuff. It’s great!!
Our social calendar has already been filled to the brim with dinner invites, working bee days, picnics, and Xmas parties! And that’s not to mention the obscene amount of after-office-drinks invitations.
I am finding it harder and harder to find time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Lazing around the house, tending to my (much neglected) potted plants, try out a new recipe (just love Kylie Wong). Finish a book! It’s crazy!!
Anyhow. Last Saturday, a few girlfriends and I got together for some much-needed R & R. Remedy? A full hour remedial massage.
Oohhh boy did it feel good…. awwww…
After the 1hr relaxing kneading and stretching. I was told by my motherly chubby Italian masseur that my muscles were really tense.
In her words:
“Young girls no… should never have such tight bodies no… relax more ok. If not, you’ll end up with poor posture no…. not good for pretty young girls yes..??”.Oh man. What better excuse to book me in for a routine overhaul!! Wowhoo!
Ok. First of. Thanks for all your emails! It is great to know that I am not alone in this unpredictable world of hormonal confusion! Phew! =)
We had a relaxing Saturday planned. We were invited to a dinner bbq over at our neighbours that night. I had wanted to pretty much couch potated the whole day away. However, for a change, Mel suggested we drive out of Sydney to this little suburban town called Windsor.
Cushioned comfortably in our little black viper, we took a pleasant 1 hr drive up north with our hood down, hair in the wind, sun on our face and bathe in the warmth of a beautiful Spring day.
Windsor is a major town that cuts through the Hawkesbury River, and is well known for her old historic charms and idyllic sceneries. It also houses the largest turf supplies crops in Australia. (I was this close to running bare-footed across the vast space of soft grass. But the thought of being potentially gunned down by a protective farmer was way too risky to ignore. haha... )
We had lunch at one of the 2 popular fish and chip cafes in town. I ordered a seafood platter for 2 with calamari, grilled baby octopus and a lobster on a bed of golden chips and garden salad. (Sydneysiders for some reason talk of crayfish as lobsters. In my opinion, lobsters have pincers. Crayfish on the other hand don’t. So technically whenever we order a “lobster” in Sydney and get charged for an obscene amount of money that a geunion lobster would fetch. We are really only getting an inflated crayfish served up under the disguise of a misguided menu!! grr…. Ok..moving right along… )
It was really refreshing eating in the little unassuming seafood café. The food was great and the atmosphere relaxing. In the middle of the outdoor deck was a huge cage housing a beautiful adult size blue macaw (on sale for a whopping 7 grand!). It was really pleasant sitting there amongst the locals enjoying the fresh seafood. Although I have to say. The bird in cage part bothered me slightly. It just feels wrong to see a bird that you normally see on national geographic in such a setting. **tunes of Born Free playing in the background**
After our feast. We drove around to explore the vast land of turf farming. It feels SO good seeing the never-ending fields of green again. I actually experienced a rare moment of contacting with nature! What more can I say.
On our return journey home. We took a different route and accidentally wondered into a car ferry terminal called Wiseman Ferry.
Get this. For a cool 5 minutes, we were onboard a 3 car wide council financed carrier (Which means it’s free! That’s such a BIG thing for a Singaporean). We sat there in our car, admiring the hills as we peacefully floated across to the opposite bank of Hawkesbury River. How cool was that! Well… at least for a city pumpkin ignorant like me it was! I was kicking myself for forgetting to bring my trusty memory catcher (namely my canon V3) with me.
Anyhow. It went rapidly down hill from there. We got SO lost after that. We had a different destination in mind to where the ferry was heading. So after a mere 5 minutes ride. We found that we were floated off to the further banks of the upper north shire. Too embarrassed (and proud) to take the return trip back. We composed ourselves for a long drive back to home.
2 hours later. All red and roasted. We eventually made it back just in time for dinner catch ups with our neighbours.
What a great way to spend a fabulous sunny spring Saturday!!
It has been a challenging past 3 weeks. My hormones are playing havoc with me. One minute I am fine, the next, hell break loose.
I find myself being really impatient at times. Getting really frustrated over the littlest of things. Irritable. Moody. Anxious. Lonely. A bloody melancholic drama queen! It’s driving me nuts!!!
Anyway. A friend of mine sent me this ‘make penguin fly’ on-line game today. It is going to sound perverse. But…. Oooohhhh boooyy did it feel good smacking those penguins.
I am in such need of a LIFE!
And some love… sob sob…
Here I go again.