Mel and I had planned to take a long holiday to visit his sister and brother-in-law in London & a detour to Paris in September this year. We put aside a travel budget and started saving up for it, accumulated our leaves and took note of any flights promotions on offer. We were really looking forward to it.
Earlier this month, I accepted a management role in a new company and will be starting work in June.
In that instance, all our travel plans flew spectacularly out the window.
It was a hard decision to make (not so much for the holidays) but because I have come to enjoy my current job and have grown very comfortable with the company's culture and its surroundings. However, I understand that one has to move on to the greater world out there and take chances from time to time in order to grow in ones career.
So come May. I will be the new States Sales Manager for a switchgear manufacturing company. I will have a team to lead, business plans to draft and goals to map for the future. My direct manager will be the managing director of the company and I will be THE "man" in-charge of the NSW office. And to tell you the truth, if I allowed myself to take all that in one sitting. The apprehension of the responsibilities that awaits me is sometimes far more overwhelming than the excitement of a management role itself! eek!
With my new job commencing in May, plans for any major holiday this year were no longer a reality. So instead of waiting till 07, I am seizing the opportunity now to take a month off in between jobs. One full month starting April. That should be enough to settle my nerves and take a well-deserved break!
I can’t wait to feel the pre-holiday buzz again and to smell the sweetness of freedom in the air.
We’ve already booked our tickets to Singapore and are making plans for Vietnam and Cambodia!!!
Come what may. I’m ready for any challenges that await me now!!!
The delusional empowerment of holidays! I love it!
It has been way too long since I spent a quiet evening all by my lonesome self. Back in uni when I was living by myself, I treasure the nights when I could throw my feet up, slump my aching body on my comfy lounge smothered in fluffy pillows. One hand armed with a tube of Connoisseur Cookies and Cream, the other, a glass of red and in my DVD, a couple of good quality chick flicks from Blockbuster videos. And just drift away into a world of fantasy and delusional high sugar indulgence!
Very hard to hear yourself speak sometimes after you get married let alone a home free night.
SO. You could imagine how delighted I was when Mel had to stay over a night for a business convention.
I didn’t hit the bed till 1am that night and though I was twitching the morning after from sugar high. I was sublimely happy.
Women. Aren’t we a funny specie?
Some months ago, we had a working bee day to eradicate bamboo that had run wild in our back creek. I have become a fan of bamboos (thanks to Jamie Durie) and watching them being hacked and dumped like worthless trash made me feel like I had to do something.
So. I decided to salvage some and start a little art project of my own.
It’s not great in the picture. But boy am I proud of my mahogany painted sticks now proudly nested in my chrome vase in the corner of my living room.
I sense a 2nd project coming on..Stay tuned… yay!
Salem had recently developed tiny crystals in his bladder. It got to the point that it prevented him from going to the toilet and made him really irritable and uncomfortable.
I sent him to the vet and they did all sorts of things to get him to wee normally again. The hardest thing to vision was the catheter, which they inserted through his “manhood” to drain out the urine from his bladder. The final option if that didn’t work was to go through an operation that will literally transform him into a girl. Arg. It was not a pretty sight.
Anyhow. He managed to escape the operation but the poor thing spent a week in the hospital and managed to rack up a hefty bill of $1031.00.
I swear. If he clogs up again, we are renaming him Jessy.
Over the weekend, we attended a friend’s wedding. The reception and ceremony was held along one of Sydney’s beautiful and private northern beaches. It was a perfect day. The sun was shining and the sea breeze was cool and refreshing.
The bridal party was beautiful. The bride’s maids were all in dark sandstone frocks with little fragrant frangipani posies. The men in their traditional black suits and the bride in a long sleek flowing gown. They were beautiful.
I love going to weddings. It just brings out all the softness and mushiness in people and engulfed it all into a night’s celebration that embraces and celebrates the vulnerability that (let’s face it) we are all so reluctant to show these days.
I had a ball and I was so happy to be able to share all that soft mushiness with the man of my life.
I found this while I was clearing out my camera. Thought I’d post it and have a BIG shot out to my fabulous parents-in-law whom in their collected 7 weeks stay with us have done nothing but fed us with the finest food and warm our home with their wonderful company.
So thank you for your care and love!
Come and visit soon!