Thursday, March 23, 2006

At last.... I'm home alone

It has been way too long since I spent a quiet evening all by my lonesome self. Back in uni when I was living by myself, I treasure the nights when I could throw my feet up, slump my aching body on my comfy lounge smothered in fluffy pillows. One hand armed with a tube of Connoisseur Cookies and Cream, the other, a glass of red and in my DVD, a couple of good quality chick flicks from Blockbuster videos. And just drift away into a world of fantasy and delusional high sugar indulgence!

Very hard to hear yourself speak sometimes after you get married let alone a home free night.

SO. You could imagine how delighted I was when Mel had to stay over a night for a business convention.

I didn’t hit the bed till 1am that night and though I was twitching the morning after from sugar high. I was sublimely happy.

Women. Aren’t we a funny specie?

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Hi! Just want to say what a nice site. Bye, see you soon.