We are both back in buzzing Sydney after a glorious week (2 for the husband) in Perth. The trip was fab and we had a ball.
The day I arrived was the day Mrs Weather decided to be extremely generous. The sun was beaming. The clouds were hiding. And I very quickly rekindled my love for the open blue sky once again. The family gatherings were warm and oozing with love. We laughed lots and finally got ourselves a radiant bronzy tan. And I cannot believe how much we ate!

The husband had finished most of his catching up with his maties when I arrived so we had the week all to ourselves and the family. It was great seeing everyone again. Marian, Will, Gen, Mic (who are dispersed over Auz and London) and of course the folkies. It was great having all 6 of us camping in the pad again. Just like old times. With a fridge packed bursting with all sorts of goodies and fresh fruits. Lots of funny banters wrapped up in a cocoon of love. It was great fun and definitely a reunion to remember and savor.

Besides the many dinners, lunches, branches and catch ups. We managed to tear ourselves away enough to make a quiet trip down to Margaret River for 3 days. We ate at award winning restaurants. Sampled Gold starred wines. Admired art galleries. Ate lots of cheese and drooled over piles of chocolate at the famous Margaret River chocolate factory.

It was sublimely perfect as we journeyed down memory lane of pass trips, laughing over silly memories of illegal yabbie hunting which usually were futile ventures. Fishing by the break-waters only to be almost swept away by sudden huge waves. Getting absolutely soaked and staggering back to the car with the rain pouring down on us with not a tail in sight. Laughing so hard we could barely walk!

Back in Perth. We visited my favorite beach Cottosole and ate breakie by the sand. Got trashed in bowling by the sibs. Shopped for fabulous WA designer pieces. And had piping hot fresh fish and chips by the foreshore. Need I say more.

So here we are now back home in crazy Sydney. Though with sore necks and minor scratches (courtesy from a little accident we had in our taxi… just 5 mins from leaving the terminals!!). Having rested a gutful of awesome food with lingering warm and fuzzy insides. And home coming to a grateful and purring cat. What could be a better ending to a wonderful short holiday than that.

And since this blog is already way too long. I’ll save posting more of the holiday pictures in my next post.
Hope you had a great past weeks too!....
Ta ta…
1 comment:
Hi Karen! Oh. It was a CrAZy week in Perth for us. Besides fitting in 3 days down in Mag River. Marian and Will flew in the night after I arrived from London as well. So it was rushing from one appointment to another madness. I had bugged Mel to contact u guys but he insisted it would be rude to contact and not have time to actually swing by. But next time come round, so we left it at that. I'll be sure to drop by in our next trip though..and yes to finally meet your beautiful boys and fit in some serious shopping! =)
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