Annabel is a jovial baby. Just shoot a smile and a laugh her way and you will most likely get one back. Put her in front of the mirror and you get several minutes of self chuckling amusement. She is so much fun and is simply adorable.
She is learning fast what a camera is. It is something big and black and gets pointed right at her whenever she does anything remotely cute. And like most things, she finds it fascinating. Mummy is loving it too. She is getting lots of great shots of her little baby.
*sign* If only time would just stand still for a moment...
1 comment:
Serene! Those photos are SO SO cute! She's grown so much in the last few weeks! I'll have to catch up with you guys this weekend for a squeeze of my adorable niece! And I'm going to have to steal the last photo for my blog - she's just TOO cute!
I think we found the new Bonds Baby model!!
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