Saturday, July 15, 2006

A blog about nothing and secret world domination dreams!

About 1 & 1/2 years ago I decided to start a blog. I named it Imperial Salts:
Imperial: a character in my mandarin name that shyly screams royalty.
And Salts: because it was to be my electronic scrapbook of the little and insignificant things that season my life.

I did not have any big plans for it as I have neither any real political views and violent strong opinion of the ways of the world to share, nor dramatic life experiences for readers to indulge in or learn from. It was plainly the simple things in life that made me smile, or fume with frustration or ball up and just have a sulk over.

My readers were (or still are) a group of close friends that I find hard to catch up with on a daily, weekly or even monthly basis due to either impossibilities in the geographical sense or simply because we are all grown ups now and have our own little lives to run.

Whatever reasons it may be, I have gown very fond of this little hobby of mine (though sadly work has taken me away from it more often than I like these days) and in some ways, deep down inside, I am starting to secretly hope that perhaps word would have gotten out about this blog named Imperial Salts and it has started to spread far and wide! And perhaps I even dare secretly hope that in some ways, some 10,000miles away from home, someone is reading my little unassuming blog and having a smile or a frown or even a sulk the very same time as me.

Please spread the word!

Happy reading....!!


Anonymous said...

I like it... original subtle yet intriguing!

Anonymous said...

Great site lots of usefull infomation here.