I was sick over the xmas holidays. Still feeling under the weather but I think I am on the road to recovery. It hit me last Thursday, the unmistakable pains of gastritis. Urk. I hate feeling sick. Especially this time of the year with all the yummy dinner parties and lunches. I have been spending most days bent over on my couch. Arg. I must have been such a pain.

Anyhow. The folks and the husband thought it would be a good idea to get me out of the house since I had spent Xmas eating nothing but porridge and arched over my pillows. In actual fact. I whimpered for it. I really needed to be out of the house to breathe in some fresh air. So off to Kirribili we went, with our picnic basket, to perch ourselves at the foot of the harbor bridge over looking the opera house and the city.
I SO want to get better before 07.
*whimper whimper*
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