.. are a perfect combination on a beautiful summer day. And that’s exactly what the husband and I and a bunch of friends did last Saturday.

We played silly games that involved people running around trees waving their hands like lunatics
(don’t kill me for posting this Damo hehe..). Stuffed ourselves silly with pies and tarts and delicious chicken wraps. And settled in for a cool night of Casino Royale under the stars drooling over Daniel Craig’s impeccable abs (come on guys… admit it.).

It was great fun.
And thanks for all your birthday pressies guys! They are SO well thought of!
*big smiles*

Pfft...Melvin could have abs like those in 2 seconds....
You also failed to mention how incredibly delicious the chocolate eclair was....
Hello Serene,
Just want to thank you for visiting my blog (http://aquarius2626.blogspot.com). I've recently have the chance to visit yours. It's nice that you share your life and thoughts with bloggers. Thanks for putting me on your Blogsphere list. I visited the list. FYI -- The Shing80 link don't seem to be working - until I remove the /index.htm part of the link.
Thanks for your comments. Best wishes for your birthday.
Yes! Damn those eclairs were good! Arg! No more man. The work out at the gym though was worth it, was probably a little too painful to bare... haha..
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