The grains and salts of my life. The little things that creases my face. The sights that fills my memories. The touch that warms my heart. My canvas.....
Saturday, May 31, 2008
Annie Picture Update

Thursday, May 29, 2008
Mid Year Resolutions & a very long post.
I have never been a fan of making New Year resolutions. Many years of failed attempts has taught me that it's simply not worth the guilt trip. So for the past 3 years, instead of greeting New Years with ambitious unachievable set goals, I reflect back on the year past and congratulate myself for surviving through yet another one unscathed. It has worked well for me thus far,until recently.
Since the start of this year, I have been on maternity leave and am currently mid way through my 9 months break off paid work. It was a shift in gear for me as I got used to being a stay at home mum. It was not easy at first, but I have since adjusted and have been fairly happy. However of late, for some unexplainable reason, I have been bugged with an unshakable feeling of under achievement.
Please don’t get me wrong. I know that motherhood is a huge responsibility that one should be proud of. And I am! It is a tough job. And nurturing a baby is by no means an easy task. However, I just cannot help but feel like I am allowing time to slip me by without me having to account for much besides nursing my baby.
So. Despite my better judgment and conviction of not setting resolutions. I have decided I will do so after all, albeit it being mid year. The objective being that I may come out of these remaining 4 months knowing I have accomplished something, other than playing mum, which again I stress, is a very enriching and important role that I am enjoying tremendously.
Alias, my mid year resolutions.
- Exercise more. At least an hour, twice a week. This could either be a walk round the block, a run in the park or simply a nice stroll to the shops.
- Experimenting more with my camera. I had taken a photography course late 06 and have since been playing around with my SLR. But I haven’t really given “taking pictures” much thought. I would like to compose my shots better. To frame it better. And to pay more attention to lighting, shadows, viewpoints & perspectives, and to incorporate “good lining” into my picture composition.
- Take up a course. You may have read about my decision to do a post grad certificate. I have submitted my application and have since been accepted. The course commences late June. I can’t wait!
- Getting to know my neighborhood better. I know it sounds weird but for some unexplainable reason, we often find ourselves venturing out to other suburbs more so than staying put and discovering our own back yard!?
- Have more fun with bub. This is a given. Annabel is not going to stay a baby for long. I intend to enjoy it as much as I can while it last.
And I too intend to post updates on my new goals from time to time. You know, just to hold myself accountable. *Smiles*
Wednesday, May 21, 2008
Back to Uni???
So one fine day a couple of weeks back, I finally got myself down to campus to speak with a student consultant. We talked through what I wanted (which was to complement my engineering degree with something that would help me move into project or general management), the courses available, the facilities, and study time required. I was a little relief to learn that the consultant herself is also a mum (of 2!) and had done several courses with ease. The course will also allow me to gain credit points for their post-grad certificate, diploma and MBA programs, which is a bonus. The meeting ended with me feeling absolutely encouraged and looking forward to being labeled student again.
So yes, I have filed in my application for "Accounting for Management" and am now awaiting acceptance from the university. I am going to be a broke, however this time round, time poor student again. I simply can’t wait!!
Monday, May 19, 2008
Baby Bonds Competition

So off to the beaches we headed. We ate Doyles fish and chips by the foreshore, stroll by Watson Bay and played with seagulls (by pretending to feed them.. hehe). It turned out to be a great day spent out with the parents and the Bonds wannabe baby.
For those who missed out on the event, there is an online competition where you could load your bubbie's picture onto their website. The winner would be the one with the most votes. I just couldn't be bothered. But if you can, click here.
Friday, May 16, 2008
Listerine as a repellent?

Has anyone tried and think it works?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
My first mother's day
On Sunday, we attended morning service at Mum & Dad’s church and feasted on a smorgasbord of home cooked foods. Than it was off to our church in the city followed by another feast at Auntie’s. Annabel was a doll all weekend and gave mummy lots of smiles and chuckles. It was an awesome weekend.
How did you celebrate mother’s day?