Tuesday, December 30, 2008

Brain Dead Quote of the Year

I had said a few silly things this year (and I do mean no brain, random, what THE silly). And whilst I like to think it was due to the pregnancy, I went ahead and did this today.

We were parking the car when we ran into a neighbour whose wife is due to give birth any day now.

Mel: Hey. Any news yet?

N: Yes! She popped!!

S: Yay! Congratulations! (thinking in my head "I wonder if they knew the sex of the baby before it was born?") So is it a boy or a girl? Do you know?


Gen said...

Serene - I'm braindead too. I don't get it. Didn't you ask a valid question if his wife had already given birth?

My head hurts from my stupidity. It's like one of those cryptic riddles that you need to explain to me.

Serene Yip said...

The question would make sense when asked BEFORE the baby was born.