Monday, February 16, 2009

Please help

If you have not read about it in the papers, or heard about it in the news. Australia, specifically the state of Victory, has been battling with a raging out of control bush fire that has taken almost 200 lives and destroyed hundreds of home. I am not really aware of the history of bush fire Australia had suffered through the years, but they tell us this one is bad. Really bad.

It is almost unbearable watching the news. Scenes of the aftermath of the devastating fire makes my heart ache. I cannot, not even for a split second, imagine the pain and grieve of those who have lost a love one, a home, a 2nd or 3rd love one. Or more. Their memories, their town, their lives. And it happened so quickly too. For many, it only took a weekend.

The fires are still burning.

The Australian Red Cross is collecting donations to help the many affected by this tragedy. To make a contribution via phone, call 1800 811 700. To do it online. Click Australian Red Cross.

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