The grains and salts of my life. The little things that creases my face. The sights that fills my memories. The touch that warms my heart. My canvas.....
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Tuesday, January 25, 2011
What should I wear........
We are attending a wedding this weekend and I am excited.
There is no secret that I lurve weddings. I am one of those people that tear up after speeches and eat way too much cake.
I lurve getting all glam up for it. I lurve having a night of good food and great conversations. And I lurve the fact that the nights are KIDS FREE!
And of course, this weekend, we will be celebrating the union of two very lovely people.
So. The thing that will be on my mind this week would be "What to wear?"
Here's what I put together for the day ensemble. It's down for a maybe.
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Meet my new loves
Everyone. I have fallen in love with eye colors.
Admittedly, I have never been good at make up. Don't really care for it or knew what to do with it. My make up routine consist of moisturise, sunblock, powder, rouge, waterproof eyeliner and lip gloss. And I put them on in that order too.
However, of late. I have grown very curious with what colors could do for my face. And in the process of my exploration, I have also realised how much I actually enjoy experimenting with what colors works on me. And which colors blend well with which.
And the tools! Oh My Goodness. I never knew that those expensive brushes could actually work wonders!
So here I am. An absolute convert. Playing around with make up like a teenager in my thirties.
And to make it all official. I will admit here for all you guys out there to tease as you please. I am too browsing on the inter net for make up tutorials.
Oh the shame.
And with that note. I shall end with my latest loot pictured below.

All purchases from Strawberry.Net.
Brushes are Laura Mercier. Crease, All Over Eye Color, Smudge & Eye Color Brush. Lancome Precision Cheek Brush.
Costal Scents 88 Shimmer Palettes from Costral Scents US.
Sunday, January 16, 2011
Annabel's day at the Park
Here are the pictures of our somewhat wonderful weekend.
Picnic by the harbour
Blowing bubbles.
Enjoying her very own chair.
We were in the blue carriage.
The view midway from within the Ferries Wheel.
Eating her first fairy floss.
The moment before the terror began (Tumble Bug ride)
Thursday, January 13, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Sunday, January 09, 2011
Sunday Bliss
The kids would normally join us in bed. And we would try to squeeze in a couple more minutes of light sleep. Than it's late breakfast / branch or a quick lunch. And get dress and off we go.
However, the weather was cool and sunny this morning. And seeing how we have had strange unpredictable weather of late. We decided we will head on out for a brisk walk after breakie.