I turned 29 today. It is funny thinking back how old that felt to me a decade ago. My gfs and I were convinced then that we would never get that “old”. And even more convinced that life would simply screech to a halt after you cross over the quarter of a century mark.
I am now one-year shy of the big three 0 and I have to say, I am still having the time of my life.
Think about it. By now, you should be somewhat financially sound (ok.. besides the huge mortgage some of us still carry), you are more of a women that you could ever be (in your twenties), and you are starting to slip into a being that is finally beginning to understand and appreciates itself. What more could a gal ask for!
It is true that I sometimes still cringe when I think about my rapidly fading "twenty something" title. And hating it even more that I am now in my last leg of the LATE twenties. But knowing how much I have grown and have shaken away all the needless anxieties and worries I had to put up with in my "younger" years. I cannot help but feel a sense of appreciation of where I am right now.
So bring on the big 30! And let me celebrate womanhood at it’s best! I am ready.
With PrideA happy late twenty something chick Snippets- my lovely husband brought me out to Darling Harbour for seafood. Tonight Jordons Seafood has redefined the meaning of seafood plater for me.
Happy summer 05 fashion week! It has been a glamorous, glitzy and promising weekend & 2 days! I had taken a couple of half days leave to go shopping with my gf and for the past 3 days, we had comp through chic sleek Oxford St (twice!) & fashion savvy Double Bay in search of the trendiest finds. Shopping has always been therapeutic for me; it’s just something about running my fingers through all the different textures and mixing and matching all the pretty colours and fabrics that I find invigorating.
I love post Xmas & new year shopping. It is the best time to hit the stores because of all the massive sales. And for someone like me, a size 6, it spells paradise (you can almost guarantee you will find something with that size!). I bought business shirts reduced from over $100 to $20, necklaces (I spotted @ www.urbanoriginals.com.au) at 20% discounts, slip ons from over $200 to $40!!!!(I got that as my b’day gift from my shopping buddy.. heee), Alannah Hill pieces and trinkets at a glorious 50% off!
My best spurge was on a Melissa bareback halter-top that was priced down from an astounding $750 to $150!!! Yes, from AU$750 dollars! [Who in their right mind would spend $750 on a halter-top!!?] It is almost sacrilege to walk out of the shop not having that wrapped up in a beautiful studded bag with those pink paper wraps and silk ribbons. I obediently checked it in.
We ended our rage later that afternoon with a nice cool glass of ice tea, beaming with pride as we discussed our “savings”. At home was hubby roasting dinner, a juicy 1.5kg bird with golden potatoes and salads. Ahhh….. that is life....
It is a glorious Saturday with the sun shining generously down and breeze that just enough to cool the soul. I am extremely alive today as not only are we to go sailing across the signature Sydney harbour with a group of friends this afternoon. My very good friend of over 10 years will be flying in from Singapore for a short visit later that night.
It has been too long since I had spent quality time with a girlfriend doing nothing but mindless girly indulgence .. stuff. I sometimes use my husband as a "stand-in spare" and get him to do (understandably embarrassing activities that he will never admit to) things like paint my toe nails, watch me parade through strings of clothes at my favourite boutique, sample an array of cakes at a trendy down town cafe, watch a trashy chick flick and scurry through shops all over paddington till I finally find that perfect pair of earrings to match my perfect new frock. haha.. ARG! I am SO difficult sometimes. He often gives in to my pleading (bless his kind soul) and very begrudgingly accompanies me, but gals..it is never the same now is it? It is just something about the male species that simply could not comprehend (nor replace for that matter) the type of companionship a woman could give to another. And that includes all non-shallow (like shopping buddies) support that encompasses a healthy heterosexual girlfriend type of relationship.
However, on the flip side of the coin, I am grateful for that distinction. I do like my different "catagories" of companionship (aka hang-out friends, old friends, christian friends, non-christian friends, family friends, family, male / female friends etc...). It seasons my life and I tremendously enjoy the support & relationship I get from them all. It is truly reassuring to know that if I am in need of a shoulder to lean on (or on the less melodramatic scenario, advise on what to wear to a party!), there will always be more than one voice to reply on. =)
Tonight, I rekindled my flame for on-line shopping. I spent hours browsing through the internet hunting for good buys. My favourites are Metalicus (perfect for layering), Akira Isogawa just because he is such a fantastic designer, Damselfly & Tribu for accessories & trinkets, & ebay for bargains.
I celebrated my renewed love with a Peter Alexander loose knit summer (hot pink) poncho.
It is 2005!
It is (almost) 2 years since we moved to Sydney.
Thought of making resolutions, than wisely dropped the idea.
Our kitten has grown into a cat.
The apartment is finally looking good.
Summer is great. I have just started a blog!
We finally bought our tickets to Japan!!
Looks like we are going to have an ok year afterall.