I turned 29 today. It is funny thinking back how old that felt to me a decade ago. My gfs and I were convinced then that we would never get that “old”. And even more convinced that life would simply screech to a halt after you cross over the quarter of a century mark.
I am now one-year shy of the big three 0 and I have to say, I am still having the time of my life.
Think about it. By now, you should be somewhat financially sound (ok.. besides the huge mortgage some of us still carry), you are more of a women that you could ever be (in your twenties), and you are starting to slip into a being that is finally beginning to understand and appreciates itself. What more could a gal ask for!
It is true that I sometimes still cringe when I think about my rapidly fading "twenty something" title. And hating it even more that I am now in my last leg of the LATE twenties. But knowing how much I have grown and have shaken away all the needless anxieties and worries I had to put up with in my "younger" years. I cannot help but feel a sense of appreciation of where I am right now.
So bring on the big 30! And let me celebrate womanhood at it’s best! I am ready.
With Pride
A happy late twenty something chick
Snippets- my lovely husband brought me out to Darling Harbour for seafood. Tonight Jordons Seafood has redefined the meaning of seafood plater for me.
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