Monday, May 28, 2007

I've been tagged... a fellow blogger, which gives me good cause to get off my bums and start writting in my very neglected blog again.

Getting tagged means you are suppose to reveal seven little-known facts about yourself. So here I go...

1. I'm an adaptor sleeper. I could fall sleep anyway. In trains, on buses, on planes, on the sofa, in the car... you name it. As long as there's a seat, I'm banked.

2. I luuurrrvVVvee freshly ground black peppercorn.

3. Eating carefully and tastefully prepared food makes me happy.

4. I have the ability to sob uncontrollably over a sad book.

5. I enjoy making my friends laugh.

6. Chocolates does nothing for me.

7) When I laugh hard, I tear and can’t see clearly. It’s a curse.


lissa said...

Interesting fact. I rarely cry reading books but movies does that for me. Chocolate only taste great when I am hungry. My eyes water when I yawn occasionally - no idea why.

Thanks for sharing. You can tag me anytime!


Serene Yip said...

I tear when I yawn too! haha.. It's not so much the tearing that bothers me when I laugh, it's more the fact that my eye reduces itself to a line that irritates the hell out of me. Not too good when watching a funny movie. I would be like.."HAHahaAHoohoHAha.. what's going on now hahahohoahah..."
Very sad..