Annabel is just 3 months shy from the big 1. I know I have been saying this
a lot but I am constantly in awe of how quickly she is growing! And also very aware of how much I must treasure these precious moments. She is starting to crawl and can walk really well when held by both hands now. And since we got her her walker, she has been really keen to try walking on her very own!

She has a total of 4 teeth and can chomp off big pieces of banana. Amongst the many foods she enjoys, yogurt has been her new favourite thing in the world. And if given the chance,
I am pretty sure she is capable of eating a full 6 tubs pack.

Annabel has always resembled Mel but of late, I was told by many that she is starting to look like me! I cannot really see the
resemblance but I am really happy that she is FINALLY starting to look like mine. Just let one more person tell me how much she looks like everyone else but me..!! GRrrRRr!!Besides her rapid development in her motor skills. She is also quickly growing into a little girl. Her joyous nature is contagious and just listening to her chuckle would make our day. She loves her Por Por and Gong Gong whom have been caring for her when mummy goes to work. And is also quickly discovering that her Grandparents are a lot more flexible and tolerant when it comes to rules around the house. Annabel can get very animated and it is a scramble for the camera when it happens.. 

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