If you had read my blog in the past, you would notice I had changed my blog template. I thought it was fitting seeing how it's a fresh start and all. I have not decided on whether I really like this look yet so it may go through a couple of changes before I finally settle on one.
Let me know what you think?
So, in my last post. I mentioned many wonderful things happened since I last blogged almost 2 years ago. I would like to share our highlights and one low-light of our lives, so be warned as I'll be ending with the latter. It deserves a special mention.
But let's start with the bright and cheery news. The most exciting being I have another baby girl! Rachel came into our lives a year ago and our little family of three is now an even four.
Unlike Annabel, my first who is passive, extremely cautious and determined. Rachel is loud, fearless and has quite a temper. Perhaps not the best choice of words to introduce her by. She is also very cheery, bubbly and full of life. And very quick on learning new tricks.
We had just celebrated her first birthday so I'll be posting some pictures we took soon. And also sharing more of her progress through her first year milestones. But for now, I would like to share more to bring you up to speed from where I last left off.
Besides having another baby, the next great news is moving into our new house. We had upgraded from our 2 bedroom apartment to a 3 bedroom house with a child friendly backyard. It also has a wood fireplace and is only 2
o mins drive to the city. During non-peak hour traffic of course.
One great feature of our new suburb is the great restaurants and food shops. Amazing Korean food and a buzzing fresh food market just at our doorstep. Not the mention the selection of good shopping malls just 5 to 10 mins drive away. It has been a year since the move so we are fairly settled in. I will share some pictures soon.
I had been on maternity leave for over 9 months and have recently gone back to the work force only a month ago. This is my second time doing this returning to work after birth thing so the transition was a fairly smooth one. Especially since I am only working 4 days a week. It is nice having to get all dress up again. Call me nuts but after having worn 9 over months of mainly tees and jeans, I am ready to get all uncomfortable in business attire again.
Of course I had to go out and buy me some new stuff to update my sad lifeless wardrobe. But because I love talking about fashion and sharing my latest loot, I thought I'd safe that for another post.
We also managed to squeeze in a trip to Singapore whilst nursing a new baby and toilet training Annabel. It was to attend my cousin's wedding and grandmothers 92
nd birthday. Needless to say, the trip was awesome and we, true to our fashion, ate ourselves silly. The shopping was amazing and I had a great time catching up with the family and friends.
The holiday
spanned over 5 weeks, including stopovers to Perth, so again, I will leave the details to yet another post.
One last thing I'd like to share. And it is with a heavy heart as I write this because I am still recovering from the loss. Salem my dear cat and furry companion of 7 years has passed on. Even now nearly after more than 6 months since his little heart stop beating, the tears still flow. Sometimes uncontrollably. The slightest reminder of him. His bowl. His toys I found while vacuuming under the couch. His pictures. The spot under the tree where we said our goodbyes. It is all too painful sometimes to bear.
But I had loved my little guy. And have fought oh so hard to keep his life comfortable and normal since we found out the horrible news. Keeping him happy was my focus for so many months. And when it finally ended. Althought I knew it was coming. It left me devastested.
But I knew I did my best. And he left hopefully happy knowing he had been so loved and treasured.
The bible never spoke of life after death for animals. And I know it's silly to even think that way. But I sure hope I will see him again one day. Till I find out, I will be comforted knowing he will always be part of our family in our hearts.
Goodbye my dear friend. You will always be in our thoughts.