She was born last November on the 7th and has just turned a year old. Rachel is a very cheerful baby and loves getting into mischiefs. Amongst her many attics, she enjoys throwing things around and watching you pick them up the most.
And she points. To everything. To foods she wants to eat. To new things she sees. To places she wants you to take her to. And she also grunts if her demands are not met.
She has not learnt how to walk yet, but is sprouting an ultra-cute bud shift crawl. And when annoyed, could belt out quite a scream in protest. She could arch her back really well and would often throw herself backwards just for the fun of it when carried by Daddy. That act is also reserved for when she throws a tantrum, which is not fun at all, for Daddy.
Rachel loves her elder sister Annabel and finds her amusing. Especially when Annie is throwing a hissy fit and is all upset and crying. Of course, this sentiment is not reciprocated by the elder sister and often sends her deeper into her little abbys. But most other cheery moments, they do enjoy each other's company and loves laughing at each other over nothing at length.
Like her elder sister, Rachel is a fairly easy going baby and has learnt the art of sleeping through the night since 9 weeks of age. She is growing well and has hit most of her major developmental milestones. She has recently moved on from semi-solids to solids and is extremely loving trying out all the different textures of food. She has yet to utter a real word but has mustered up a faint "ma ma" to which we are unsure whether its food or mummy.
And with that, I shall end (though quite abruptly) with pictures of my cheeky monkey. 2. Enjoy!
1 Day
1 Month
6 Month
7 Month
8 Month
10 Month
1 Year
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