It was Melvin’s birthday past Friday. I wanted to surprise him with a weekend getaway at The Rocks. So for the past week, I spent my precious lunchtime break, browsing through the web, making calls, plotting and planning for his gift.
Melvin was absolutely convinced that he was going to play lawn bowling that weekend. Even called a couple of friends and our neighbours to organise the game!
Can you imagine how stressed I was! I had to do a lot of lying [which I suck at] and whinging about how tired I am and really do not wish to exert myself over the weekend, to finally persuade him to [VERY begrudgingly mind you] drop the idea.
I somehow managed to bite my tongue through the week. And armed with a fake aloof demeanour, pretended to “play it cool”. I came this close to telling him the truth [well to be honest, mainly to shut him up].
And boy did he play the game. He whinged, he demanded, he threatened that he had to work over the weekends. All to force the truth out of me!
Soooo meeeannn.
Anyway. I managed to eventually pull it off. And on Friday, at dinner, while we were both devouring 2 mub crabs. I told him what I got him for his birthday.
My gift - A weekend getaway at The Sebel Pier One Sydney located idyllically at the water edge of The Rocks. A half-hour adrenaline heart pumping thrill ride on the Adventure Jet Boat at the harbour! And than off to watch the much anticipated AFL game at the pub with greasy pub food for lunch. [The Eagles were THIS CLOSE to wining the grand finals. Arg. It was so painful to watch. sigh.]
Oh. And a tie I bought from Melbourne.
I was beaming with pride when I saw a smile unwillingly creeping from behind his aloof face.
We checked in early the next morning. The Jet Boat ride was pretty good. We did several 360 degrees spins and saw many secluded beaches and huge [how rich are these people?!] mansions.
At the pub, Melvin ordered the largest beer he could find. 1 litres of gold liquid. It was so funny watching him drink from this huge mug, which literally was the size of his FACE. AND watching him turn redder and redder with every gulp.

It was a very good weekend. A couple of our uni mates joined us for the jet boat adventure and the game. Than Mel and I spent the rest of the afternoon lazing around the rocks, roaming through the markets and enjoying the beautiful weather. Dinner was at the much talked about restaurant called Wildfire just 10mins walk from our hotel. 
I had a whole lobster for my main! Wok fired with chilli, salt and pepper, and black bean! Boy was it good. I did not care that I was the only one in the restaurant sucking and smacking away. AND eating with my fingers. YUUMM.
Mel had the duck. And a Very Good Duck it was. Double YUM.
Check out time was unusually late, at 12. So we did not have to rush the next morning, which was really good.
We felt so relaxed and pampered. What a stress free way to end a stress filled week. =)
Happy Birthday Honey!!!