Australia's world cup dream has abruptly and cruelly come to an end this morning after a penalty kick was awarded to Italy just minutes away from the whistle.
It was controversial, painful and oh SO undeserving.
The top 8 was not meant to be.
But let’s not take away what the Socceroos has done for Australia. We have made a mark in the international realms of football and have played amongst the top 16 teams in the world! Surely that alone is worth celebrating for.
So congratulations Socceroos! It has been a great ride.
11:45pm, 45mins into the game.
Score 0-1 in Japan’s favour.
Anger mounted at the controversial goal.
Getting tired and restless.
Half time… toilet break and a quick silent prayer.
80mins….. waiting for a miracle now.
12.35am…. boy am I going to pay for it tomorrow…
Amongst the sleepiness and nail biting … the unimaginable happened.
Australia’s first and equalising goal by Tim Cahill!
Suddenly. There is HopE!!!
Come on!!!!!!! …. One MoRE…!!!!! COME ON!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And it happened!!!
Breathe held in before the realisation of a wining opportunity!
Jubilation sets in with Aloisi sealing Australia’s final goal.
Score. 3-1.
The whistle ….
I say!
What a way to draw the world’s attention to our first World Cup debut in 32 years!
Well done guys! And thanks for a great match Socceroos!!
Come what may Brazil!!! It’s GAME ON!!!!! YEAH!!!!!
I’ve just had the best massage of my life! A friend of mine booked us in for a much needed remedial massage yesterday. I had stayed up late the night before for the world cup opening game and was feeling the effects after. I was very happy that I’m going to get some treatment for my very sore and stiff neck and shoulders.
It was not our first time there but the lady I got yesterday was incredible. She has really strong fingers but they were not overpowering, and her soothing technique made me feel like snoozing in just under ¼ of an hour.
In short, I was completely relaxed and tense free at the end of the treatment. And it had only cost me $35 for 50mins worth.
If you live in Sydney. Check it out. Nature Care Clinic
Word of warning. It’s a college clinic which means you get student practitioners. The rooms are basic, and it’s pretty limited bookings. But for the price you pay. It’s worth giving it at least one go.
Australia has qualified to play in the prestigious 2006 FIFA World Cup. It’s THE king of all kings match in the soccer realms and the whole nation is sited.
Almost every second car has a little gold and green Socceroos flag waving proudly in the rear window. Good luck cheers shouting from all corners of the commercial world to the proud and esteemed team, already crowned as heroes for beating Uruguay in the qualifying match.
I myself (I have to admit) am not a real soccer enthusiast. Though I do enjoy participating in all the fuzz and jazz over 11 men running around madly chasing and manoeuvring a ball. But coming from Singapore, it’s hard to find a real course that would make crazing over a team worth while.
So when Australia made her way into this year’s world cup. I naturally was all hyped up for it. I now have a genuine course in supporting the sport by cheering on the national team of my adopted country. And judging by the performance of the Socceroos in the qualifying match, I trust that they will put up a good fight jammed packed with a truck load of world class football entertainment.
Bring it on!
I’ve been in my new job for a month over now. It’s still settling in times so things are still cosy and smooth sailing enough. Nothing much to say really… except for the fact that since I’ve starting work, I have found myself being booked in to an endless list of social events all snowballing one after the other! Most not planned and absolutely random and spontaneous!
I’m quite happy with my new ..well.. if you could call it a routine… and am definitely not complaining, though admittedly I would love to have a Sat of just couch sitting and reading. But these weekends curriculum has made the weeks go by really quickly and in a way, makes a week of hard work that much more rewarding!
It’s great!
And to top if off, a good friend of mine will be flying in for a quick visit in a couple of weeks and I've made arrangments to bump over whilst her stay in Sydney. I’ve been dying to visit Bondi markets for ages and now I’ve finally got someone that will willingly go with me!!!! What could be better!!!! oh. Can I also mention that there is a looong weekend (public holiday) ahead? And come Monday. Japan meet's our very own Socceroos in our long awaited World Cup debut! It can only go uphill from this on end. Woohoo!!!
A cold wet night after dinner. Mel and I were settling in for a quiet night of dvds and hot mugs of tea.
“Burr... Salem, u wanna come snuggle on my lap?”
Blank stares at my bath robe……
“Salem…. you want to come sit with me instead….??”
“You know he will come to me. He loves this bath robe!….”
Mel starts to slowly lean back and folded his legs to make a basket like well…
Salem inches forward… Totally aware of what’s happening….
“Here… let me carry you up here.”
“Hey I called him first!!”
“But he loves me more!!!”
“That’s not true!! He’s not purring. Let him choose. Let go!”
“Here… Come here Salem”
He jumped off the couch and onto his stretching post and gave us both a disapproving stare.
“Now look what you’ve done Melvin. …. He’s just staring at us now…”