Friday, July 25, 2008

New mates & Chocolate

It has been a long while since I had been out and about by my lonesome. So when my uni mates suggested we met up for dinner and hot chocolate one Friday night, I was absolutely delighted. So the little one was left home to get all cosy up with Daddy while the mummy took some much needed me time.

Since starting my studies, I have been blessed to have met four wonderful and amazing girls. They are all smart, beautiful and ambious. And of course fun to be with. It really made this going back to uni experience all that more enriching for me. Their endearing warm friendly personalities have made all those 4 hours weekly lectures fly by and those Saturday project meets fun. Not to mention all the great chocolate treats that is always there just when you need a sugar hit! You guys are the best.

And of course, I had to post our delicious rich hot chocolate treat we had at Max Brenner. Hmm.

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