Last weekend was quite an exciting one for several countries world wide. Why? Well because it was the inaugural concert debut linking 7 – continent concert series of more than 100 artists across countries like the United States, Japan, Australia, The United Kingdom, China, Germany and many more.
Live Earth is part of a global movement in an effort to bring light and media attention to the climate crisis the world is facing (even more so this millennium). It kicked started on the 7th of July (07/07/07) and the event had been a tremendous success (read more).
Australia was the first to kick of the global party and has performances from a line up of:

John Butler Trio
Live Earth is part of a global movement in an effort to bring light and media attention to the climate crisis the world is facing (even more so this millennium). It kicked started on the 7th of July (07/07/07) and the event had been a tremendous success (read more).
Australia was the first to kick of the global party and has performances from a line up of:

John Butler Trio
Eskimo Joe
Crowded House
Missy Higgins
Sneaky Sound System
The concert, though a huge success, will be to no avail if it’s all dusted and forgotten. We all could continue to play a role in reducing the greenhouse effect simply by inculcating little habits into our lives. Examples are switching off unneeded lights, installing energy-efficient compact fluorescent lamps, switching to a GreenPower electricity contract (where possible). If you don't have a dual-flush toilet, a toilet flush regulator can do the trick. Taking shorter showers. Don’t let the tap run if you are not using the water. And the list goes on (more tips here).
Every little effort helps. But despite the multitude of human achievements and what we can aim for collectively, I’m also reminded and humbled of how dependent we all are on the creator of this earth of ours. Without his intervention for rain or for dryer weather in flood stricken regions, no amount of human efforts can ever control this huge natural force we call our climate. So let’s all be reminded that despite our efforts, the real solution really comes from the one who has made our planet from the very beginning.
ps: If you haven’t watched the concert, you could watch it on line here (here) or (here).
Every little effort helps. But despite the multitude of human achievements and what we can aim for collectively, I’m also reminded and humbled of how dependent we all are on the creator of this earth of ours. Without his intervention for rain or for dryer weather in flood stricken regions, no amount of human efforts can ever control this huge natural force we call our climate. So let’s all be reminded that despite our efforts, the real solution really comes from the one who has made our planet from the very beginning.
ps: If you haven’t watched the concert, you could watch it on line here (here) or (here).