We planned to go catch a movie after work. It has been a long week for me, so I was really looking forward to an easy night; a comedy and chinese take-away. We were to go with our neighbours and the choice of film was “Meet the Fockers”.
Mel was running late, so I took the opportunity to take a hot bath. It always feels good after a long dip in a steaming tub, especially to an aching body. For those bath lovers out there, a quick tip – I extracted this bizarre piece of information from a health article I read just a couple of days ago.. really interesting and oh it applies only to women. Sorry guys! -“Urinate before and after your bath. Since a woman’s urethra is relatively short, getting into a bath can force outside bacteria to “flush” into the urethra and may allow it to take hold and develop into a urinary tract infection. Urinating after your bath will dispel any bacteria that may have settled in the urethra during your bath.”
Must be one hell of a dirty tub!
Friday traffic is always a nightmare in Sydney, and Mel of course was caught in one. I bid my neighbours goodbye and settled in to a night of channel flicking and instant noodles. It was still kind of nice, but I have to say I was pretty disappointed. I was so badly in need of a good laugh. Sigh….
We somehow managed to entertain ourselves through the night. But by 12, I was bored stiff and starving. I scuffed down my second bowl of noodles (yeah), waited for it to digest, and went to bed.
Yuk… What a night eh…..
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