Thursday, March 03, 2005

The Routines of Life

It's funny when one’s left to one’s device. The thoughts and inspiration that flows through one’s mind. I rarely get moments like these anymore. It's all about work, cooking dinner, eating, feed the cat, tv, sleep and work all over again. I occasionally do break the routine by visiting the gym, rock climb, and bible study. But to be brutally honest, they are merely highlights of what I do week on week, month on month. It’s amazing how comfortable and unbreakable it becomes as time goes by. And how it’s almost reassuring.

I suppose I’m just having a whinge. After all, isn’t life all about routines? Ok not ALL about routines but…
I speak for myself when I say that I truly look forward to my weekly rendezvous with my favourite tv soap (which currently is LOST & Desperate Housewives! heee..), my weekly climb, Thursday dinners at the mall with friends, Friday nights of “guess what we are going to do” which regularly ends up with dinner in front of the tele watching whatever we can get our hands on from Blockbuster Video and weekend lunches with the family. It keeps my calendar full and my spirits high and makes that relaxing Saturday of doing nothing, all so much more precious.

So yes, I may be a victim of habitual routines but without them, I would be back to flipping yellow pages (for those who I regretfully revealed this to, you know how sad a period that was for us..haha), internet browsing, and X-box defeats to a husband that loves to boost his ego by trashing me in a match of Halo one on one. I have to say…. It’s not the OC, but I’m happy with that for now.

Quietly and quite willingly conforming to life…. Me

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