The grains and salts of my life. The little things that creases my face. The sights that fills my memories. The touch that warms my heart. My canvas.....
Tuesday, December 27, 2005
Sunday, December 25, 2005
Merry Christmas!
Matthew 1
22:All this took place to fulfill what the Lord had said through the prophet. 23:"The virgin will be with child and will give birth to a son, and they will call him Immanuel"—which means, "God with us."
Luke 1
10:But the angel said to them, "Do not be afraid. I bring you good news of great joy that will be for all the people. 11:Today in the town of David a Savior has been born to you; he is Christ the Lord."
Thursday, December 15, 2005
Salem's new roomy

Only thing.
He will not stop eating Salem’s dinners!!!!
I’ve tried everything!
Feeding Salem something Mr Jangles is not accustomed to. Doesn’t work.
Watching them eat. Salem never finishes his food in one hit, so that meant I have to sit and watch Mr Jangles devour his, and than stand guard while Salem leisurely waltzes in and out of the laundry taking little nibbles at each go. ARG!
Smacking. Not enough to deter him…. Double ARG!
Feeding him more so he stays clear of the other bowl. Double whammy. He finishes his own huge dinner and continues on to Salem’s for desert!!!
I give up! Just have to secretly sneak snacks and nibbles to the little black guy for now.
Thursday, December 08, 2005
Brisbane shopping spree... oh .. I meant business trip...

Need I say more....
Here are my 2 new gorgeous dresses!!! And just in time for tomorrow’s Carlton Xmas Party!

Both pieces are from Brisbane designer Dogstar.
Saturday, December 03, 2005
Agave Attenuata

I had always loved succulents because of its sturdiness and determination to stay alive. So it’s only natural for me to fall in love with the Agave because of it’s reputed boldness and rich texture.
I had made many trips to the nursery but have never bought one back. They were either TOO expensive or …. TOO expensive.
The Agaves are extremely slow growing plants. A good size teenage plant will set you back (easily) over $80. And an adult, with its beautiful structured longneck stem, over $180!
On a recent visit to Dural nursery for a working bee day. I stubbled upon 4 baby Agaves priced at a cool $30! On sales at a cooler %50 off!
My two little crowning glories are now nested proximately at the 2 corners of my balcony. Now all I have to do is to sit and wait for them to grow up into a stunning garden feature.
Hmmm…. Let’s see…. 10 years should do it?!
Thursday, December 01, 2005
Mr Jangles
I am a little apprehensive as to how Salem would react to this new four legged guest. So to help us to prevent a potential blood bath. Our friend sent us this article….
All I can say is… I hope it works!!! Eek…!!
The introduction to other pet cats in your home
If you are bringing your new cat into a home with other cats, keep in mind that there are diseases and parasites that cats can transmit to each other, and some of these are fatal. Before you bring a new cat into your household, take it to your veterinarian for an examination and stool sample check. Your veterinarian will be able to tell you what vaccinations your cat needs and check your cat's stool for intestinal parasites. Your veterinarian can also perform blood testing for feline leukemia virus (FeLV) and feline immunodeficiency virus (FIV). Then you can bring your new cat home without concerns about compromising the health of your current cat(s).
Keeping the new cat in a quiet, separate room is especially important if there are other cats in the house. The other cats will quickly become aware of your new cat's presence. The cats will usually sniff at each other under the closed door. Do not be surprised if there is some initial hissing. Help the cats get used to each other's scent by rubbing a towel over each of them in turn. Feeding them on either side of the door that closes off the room the new cat is in is also helpful. They will start associating the smell of the other cat with a good thing (food). After a few days, take the new cat out of its room, put the old cat in that room with the door closed, and let the new cat begin to explore the rest of the house for a few hours each evening.
The next step is to let the cats see each other, yet still keep them separated. An old screen door or a piece of Plexiglas works well for this. Another option is to prop open the door of the new cat's room, just enough so that the cats can see each other and put a paw through, but not enough that they can get through the door. After a few days of this, try feeding the cats together, but at opposite ends of the room. Monitor the cats during this time, and separate them except at mealtime. Each day, move the food dishes very slightly closer to each other, until the cats are eating side by side. The idea is for the cats to associate each other with the pleasant experience of eating. It is not unusual to hear occasional hissing, but this should decrease as the days go by. If things do not seem to be improving, try decreasing their interaction for a few days.
Once the cats seem comfortable with each other, you can move on to the final step. Open the door all the way, allowing the cats to come and go as they please. Monitor them closely, in case they fight. Do not leave them alone for any length of time until you are sure they will get along well. Make sure there is at least one litter box per cat. This helps to prevent a more dominant cat from stalking the other and keeping him from using the litter box.
Monday, November 28, 2005
Some much needed R & R

I LOVE the longer days. It just gives you so much more energy and motivation to do stuff. It’s great!!
Our social calendar has already been filled to the brim with dinner invites, working bee days, picnics, and Xmas parties! And that’s not to mention the obscene amount of after-office-drinks invitations.
I am finding it harder and harder to find time to enjoy the simple pleasures of life. Lazing around the house, tending to my (much neglected) potted plants, try out a new recipe (just love Kylie Wong). Finish a book! It’s crazy!!
Anyhow. Last Saturday, a few girlfriends and I got together for some much-needed R & R. Remedy? A full hour remedial massage.
Oohhh boy did it feel good…. awwww…
After the 1hr relaxing kneading and stretching. I was told by my motherly chubby Italian masseur that my muscles were really tense.
In her words:
“Young girls no… should never have such tight bodies no… relax more ok. If not, you’ll end up with poor posture no…. not good for pretty young girls yes..??”.
Oh man. What better excuse to book me in for a routine overhaul!! Wowhoo!
Wednesday, November 23, 2005
Sculpture by the sea

A perfect opportunity for us to FINALLY get our little bubs down to Bondi and do the famous Bondi to Bronte walk!
Here are a few I quite like…

It's meant to be a fence between neighbours. They even have a recorder playing in the background. Seemingly of 2 ladies gossiping about their husbands in their backyard......

This is carved out from ONE slab of marble!

Saturday, November 12, 2005
Our weekend
We had a relaxing Saturday planned. We were invited to a dinner bbq over at our neighbours that night. I had wanted to pretty much couch potated the whole day away. However, for a change, Mel suggested we drive out of Sydney to this little suburban town called Windsor.
Cushioned comfortably in our little black viper, we took a pleasant 1 hr drive up north with our hood down, hair in the wind, sun on our face and bathe in the warmth of a beautiful Spring day.

We had lunch at one of the 2 popular fish and chip cafes in town. I ordered a seafood platter for 2 with calamari, grilled baby octopus and a lobster on a bed of golden chips and garden salad. (Sydneysiders for some reason talk of crayfish as lobsters. In my opinion, lobsters have pincers. Crayfish on the other hand don’t. So technically whenever we order a “lobster” in Sydney and get charged for an obscene amount of money that a geunion lobster would fetch. We are really only getting an inflated crayfish served up under the disguise of a misguided menu!! grr…. Ok..moving right along… )
It was really refreshing eating in the little unassuming seafood café. The food was great and the atmosphere relaxing. In the middle of the outdoor deck was a huge cage housing a beautiful adult size blue macaw (on sale for a whopping 7 grand!). It was really pleasant sitting there amongst the locals enjoying the fresh seafood. Although I have to say. The bird in cage part bothered me slightly. It just feels wrong to see a bird that you normally see on national geographic in such a setting. **tunes of Born Free playing in the background**
After our feast. We drove around to explore the vast land of turf farming. It feels SO good seeing the never-ending fields of green again. I actually experienced a rare moment of contacting with nature! What more can I say.
On our return journey home. We took a different route and accidentally wondered into a car ferry terminal called Wiseman Ferry.
Get this. For a cool 5 minutes, we were onboard a 3 car wide council financed carrier (Which means it’s free! That’s such a BIG thing for a Singaporean). We sat there in our car, admiring the hills as we peacefully floated across to the opposite bank of Hawkesbury River. How cool was that! Well… at least for a city pumpkin ignorant like me it was! I was kicking myself for forgetting to bring my trusty memory catcher (namely my canon V3) with me.
Anyhow. It went rapidly down hill from there. We got SO lost after that. We had a different destination in mind to where the ferry was heading. So after a mere 5 minutes ride. We found that we were floated off to the further banks of the upper north shire. Too embarrassed (and proud) to take the return trip back. We composed ourselves for a long drive back to home.
2 hours later. All red and roasted. We eventually made it back just in time for dinner catch ups with our neighbours.
What a great way to spend a fabulous sunny spring Saturday!!
Friday, November 11, 2005
A moment please
I find myself being really impatient at times. Getting really frustrated over the littlest of things. Irritable. Moody. Anxious. Lonely. A bloody melancholic drama queen! It’s driving me nuts!!!
Anyway. A friend of mine sent me this ‘make penguin fly’ on-line game today. It is going to sound perverse. But…. Oooohhhh boooyy did it feel good smacking those penguins.
I am in such need of a LIFE!
And some love… sob sob…
Here I go again.
Saturday, October 22, 2005
Good Food Month
We had intended to visit an outdoor noodle market in Hyde Park [which only opens during this time of the year]. But due to the really sad wet weather. We were forced to change our plans and had dinner at Wagamama instead.
Wagamama is one of those Chinese /Japanese fusion funky food concept type restaurant, which [from experience] usually spells disaster. However, I have heard good things about their originated UK branch, so I was kind of looking forward to it.
The atmosphere of the lively open plan restaurant was good. They have a crew of very enthusiastic serving staff that if given the opportunity, will literally explain every single dish on the menu.
The food on the other hand, was a sad compilation of really average undecided Chinese / Japanese udon soups and funny chicken and beef rice dishes. It was pretty disappointing.
Thank goodness dessert at the Intercontinental was much better. As part of the celebrations for Good Food Month. Hotels in the city all ran promos for their top selling desserts for sampling at their lounge and cafes.
For $15, we had a selection of 3 desserts (the only one I could remember was the passion fruit panna cotta …yummm…) and a glass of dessert wine.
I am SO going to watch out for next year’s Good Food Month. And SOO going to stay clear of fusion restaurants.
Monday, October 17, 2005
Mussel Pot
Mussels-in-a-pot is THE thing to order there. But that night, I had to be different. So half unsure, I ordered the mussel escargot.
What …a.. rip off!
The mussels were literally the size of baby snails (thus the name escargot!).
I went through a BIG Dur and ARG moment while enviously peering from the corner of my eye at all the succulent FULL size mussels that surrounded me.
That will teach me.
Friday, October 14, 2005
Wheels of steel

The color decided upon is black. I have chosen mysterious Phantom over seductive metallic blue. Grr…
I was told that it would come with the usual driver and passenger airbags. AND. An added new feature - side airbags.
I would be ABSOLUTELY squished if those punch-out balloons ever deplore.
God help me.
Thursday, October 06, 2005
2nd anniversary

So we decided we'd cook up a yummy Japanese meal together. The menu for the night was golden cripsy seafood and vege tempura on a bed of fluffy sticky rice, miso soup, and pancake ice cream for dessert. We had a ball preparing the meal together. =)
Apparently it is a western traditional to get cotton for 2nd anniversaries. So Melvin bought us a cool luxurious, "can't believe how expensive it is!!" 1000 COUNT Sheridan hotel collection full bed sheet set. Bed linens, fitted sheets and all. The works.
I am SO in love with my bed right now. And it is SOOO off limits to Salem.
Happy 2 years hon!
Monday, October 03, 2005
Catching up with an old friend
We have always been shopping buddies. So naturally, one of our catching up activity included doing just that.
A few places we visited during the weekends were the glitzy boutiques of Martin Place, quirky independent shops of Newtown, and [my favourite] fashion savvy Oxford St @ Paddington.
I’ve known this "old friend" for a long time. We go way back to when we were teens and were still young and foolish.
We saw each other through exam frenzies, boyfriend break-ups (more like boyfriend upgrades hehe), clubbing highs, and rampaged through many many shopping sprees. And of course like all true blue Singaporeans. Our hanging out activities mostly always centred around food. SO lots of pigging out moments.
I was really happy we got to catch up and hang out again. AND finally get some much-needed quality shopping advice!!
My conquest over the 2 [GLORIOUS] shopping spree days is a cool vintage bronze necklace at Paddington’s market.
Thanks Babe!

Thursday, September 29, 2005
Culture shock

Like most operas, the storyline is base on a love story. And since it was my first operatic experience, I was really looking forward to it.
Oooh man.
I could literally feel Melvin cringing and rolling his eyes!
The acts after intermission was a lot more solemn. I found myself immersing more into the characters and the drama of the tragic ending.
Admittedly, it was a very pleasant evening. Besides some face cringing moments, I had a ball.
And, given a second opportunity to rub shoulders with the culturally inclined socialites. I would gladly give it another go.
At least I got to doll up and tread around in my little cocktail dresses!
[I could just feel all your shallow glares!!!!]
Wednesday, September 28, 2005
Shoe laces and a broken ring
Poor thing.
I have to admit. There was a little burden of guilt brewing in me. And I was beginning to get a little worried what this new captive life style will do to him.
So in fear of causing any bad and irreversible damage to his “catly” instinct and agility. I began my search around the apartment for a new toy that he could play with. In hope of re-invigorating his little mind.
I never believed in buying those expensive cat toys. The only toys we ever bought Salem were;
- His all time favourite little stuffed blue mouse
- A knitted ball
- And his scratching post.
The rest of his play pan collectibles consist of used present ribbons. An old shoelace. An old tennis ball. Used M&M candle figurine containers. Little vibrating pull out toys I bought from Brisbane Victoria markets years ago. Paper bags. AND. His favourite “hanging-around-the-kitchen- pass-time” toy. Rolled up plastic bags.
After much scrummaging through my bathroom cabinet. I stumbled upon my old spiral ring that I had bought from Paddington’s market a year ago. It was once my trophy possession. I never left home without it. Till it snapped one day.
So today. It became Salem’s new toy.
He absolutely and utterly fell in love with it!!

He was smacking it around the bathroom floor. Pushing it under doors. Carried it around the apartment. And his most ingenious self invented game ever. Bathtub ring hockey. How funny!
I tied the ring to his old shoelace. And for the very first time. Managed to catch his attention for a good whole 30 mins!
For fear that he may gradually get bored with his new toy. I decided to put a stop to this new obsession and kept his new toy for another day.
He glared at me unapprovingly and resumed his meowing at open balcony doors.
There’s no winning is there.... arg.
Monday, September 26, 2005
Surprise weekend getaway
It was Melvin’s birthday past Friday. I wanted to surprise him with a weekend getaway at The Rocks. So for the past week, I spent my precious lunchtime break, browsing through the web, making calls, plotting and planning for his gift.
Melvin was absolutely convinced that he was going to play lawn bowling that weekend. Even called a couple of friends and our neighbours to organise the game!
Can you imagine how stressed I was! I had to do a lot of lying [which I suck at] and whinging about how tired I am and really do not wish to exert myself over the weekend, to finally persuade him to [VERY begrudgingly mind you] drop the idea.
I somehow managed to bite my tongue through the week. And armed with a fake aloof demeanour, pretended to “play it cool”. I came this close to telling him the truth [well to be honest, mainly to shut him up].
And boy did he play the game. He whinged, he demanded, he threatened that he had to work over the weekends. All to force the truth out of me!
Soooo meeeannn.
Anyway. I managed to eventually pull it off. And on Friday, at dinner, while we were both devouring 2 mub crabs. I told him what I got him for his birthday.
My gift - A weekend getaway at The Sebel Pier One Sydney located idyllically at the water edge of The Rocks. A half-hour adrenaline heart pumping thrill ride on the Adventure Jet Boat at the harbour! And than off to watch the much anticipated AFL game at the pub with greasy pub food for lunch. [The Eagles were THIS CLOSE to wining the grand finals. Arg. It was so painful to watch. sigh.]
Oh. And a tie I bought from Melbourne.
I was beaming with pride when I saw a smile unwillingly creeping from behind his aloof face.We checked in early the next morning. The Jet Boat ride was pretty good. We did several 360 degrees spins and saw many secluded beaches and huge [how rich are these people?!] mansions.
At the pub, Melvin ordered the largest beer he could find. 1 litres of gold liquid. It was so funny watching him drink from this huge mug, which literally was the size of his FACE. AND watching him turn redder and redder with every gulp.
It was a very good weekend. A couple of our uni mates joined us for the jet boat adventure and the game. Than Mel and I spent the rest of the afternoon lazing around the rocks, roaming through the markets and enjoying the beautiful weather. Dinner was at the much talked about restaurant called Wildfire just 10mins walk from our hotel.
I had a whole lobster for my main! Wok fired with chilli, salt and pepper, and black bean! Boy was it good. I did not care that I was the only one in the restaurant sucking and smacking away. AND eating with my fingers. YUUMM.
Mel had the duck. And a Very Good Duck it was. Double YUM.
Check out time was unusually late, at 12. So we did not have to rush the next morning, which was really good.
We felt so relaxed and pampered. What a stress free way to end a stress filled week. =)
Happy Birthday Honey!!!
Thursday, September 22, 2005
Under house arrest
After moving into our apartment. We installed a cat door so he could go into the balcony. And that was as far away from home as he gets. Besides the neighbour’s balcony next to us.
Last night. He discovered how to leap into the balcony of the neighbour above us. And from there. He discovered the stairwell. And the “WORLD”.
Only problem. He did not discover how to get back.
I was scared shitless for 10mins while he went on his disappearing act. After much calling and waving his favourite treat in the air. I spotted him from our balcony. Roaming around the creek looking absolutely lost.
I ran out of the apartment into the stairwell and called out to him. He ran towards me. Meowing away.
My heart melted. I felt like an irresponsible parent.
After feeding him his dinner and giving him many hugs and kisses. And his largest ration of treats ever.
The little brat went out into the balcony and attempts to “escape” again!
He is SO under house arrest.
Sunday, September 18, 2005
Mid-Autumn Mooncake Festival

The atmosphere here in Sydney is quite different from Singapore. It doesn’t have the intensity that normally builds up before this celebration. Though I have to admit I was quite stunned when I heard a radio presenter wishing his listeners a Happy Mooncake Festival.
It put a smile on my face. But it was still not the same.
Back in Singapore. Kids would have already bought their lanterns and lighted them up in parks. Jurong Chinese Gardens would have had her annual display of the largest lanterns imaginable. Stores everywhere would have already sold hundreds of the beautifully flowered boxes of cakes. Tea and yams would have been brewed and steamed to compliment the sweetness of the lotus paste cakes.
My family would now be gathered around a table with a display of the little sweet cakes, sampling the different boxes bought from various “Best Mooncakes” stores in town.
And I?!
I managed to steal a slice at our church’s mooncake party with a spec of egg yoke dangerously hanging on.
How sad…
Thursday, September 15, 2005
Sudden impulse moment
Acting purely on an irrational impulse to capture the moment. I scrambled through my bag, took out my camera and quietly snapped away from the back seat of the taxi.

I got a couple of weird glares from the driver through his rear mirror for that.
How embarrassing.
Saturday, September 10, 2005
PJ Night
Before heading off to our girlie night. A few of us had bought tickets to the Australian production of The Producers. So we bid the party goodbye for a couple of hours and headed off to the theatres.
I always enjoy live musicials. The live performances. The stage props. How every illusion so creatively captured in the defined limited floor space of the stage. And how scenes are so quickly and almost magically transformed to the next. I had a blast.
After the show. We went back to the apartment to join the rest of the gals.
The night was filled with giggles, gossips, junk food, marriage proposals and ex-boyfriends stories (yes boys.... we talk about u even after you're gone). Someone had brought along one of those “get to know each other better” games book, which we passed around each taking turns to ask a question.
It started off pretty mild. But later on into the night, with all the salt and sugar we were ingesting. The stories started to get interesting.
We were trading off experiences of disaster dates, undesirable courtships, long distance relationships, how to dump a guy “gently”. AND escape plans from nightmare dates!!
The next morning was a definite late starter. Lazily and half awake. We managed to stagger our way to Pyrmont Fish Market for lunch.

The rest of the afternoon was spent soaking our aching bodies in the heated indoor pool and Jacuzzi.
oh Boy have I forgotten how fun PJ nights can be!! Thanks for the great night babes!
Wednesday, September 07, 2005
Suburbia pleasantness
It was a beautiful sunny spring Saturday. I woke up to one of those mornings where you just want to kick back over a cup of tea, have breakfast in a local café, relax and sun bathe ALL day.
We rushed through our usual weekend house cleaning duties and were out of the door by 10.
Mel and I hardly ever go out for breakfast. I think it is because most weekend mornings are spent mucking around the house idling on couches and me fussing around cleaning and attending to the garden. So it is really nice when we actually get up to something in the morning.
We drove our little MX5, hood down, hair in the wind to our neighbour suburb Wahroonga. Found a nice cosy café and ordered our poached eggs and bacon on toast with mushrooms on the side. yum.
A couple of weeks ago, I received a pamphlet in the mail, sent out by our local lawn bowling club, offering a free starter lesson for beginners. We have been talking about giving lawn bowling a go ever since Mel came home one day [after a team building event] going on and on about how fun it was. Even got our neighbours to agree to give this predominately oldie sports for the retirees a go. But somehow, work and other social commitments always got in the way.
So I decided it's time to get my little bud down to our local lawn bowling club to check it out.
The atmosphere in the little unassuming club was refreshingly warm and friendly. A bowling session, which includes bowling balls, the lawn and a free introductory lesson, cost a mere $5 per person!! Wow! We are SO in!
On the drive home. We dropped by a garage sale from across our street and bought a microwave egg cooker for 50 cents! And some old antique looking napkins holders.
Back home. We popped in to the neighbours for a quick coffee catch up. Table conversation consisted of aqua aerobics, upgrading projects around home, lawn bowling, Thai tea, red bean paste, Japanese rice cakes and outdoor dining tables. I love how random the conversations went!!
Salem had been meowing from our balcony looking down at us the whole time we were at the neighbour's (we live in a low density apartment that has staggered balconcies). He always does that btw... The minute he hears us from over the "fence" he would jump onto the ledge and give us grief till we acknowledge his presence or till we get back home. The silly thing.
Anyhow, it was soon late noon and after a quick game of table tennis (oh yes, did I mention we bought ourselves a table tennis table a couple of weeks ago and have been table tennis crazy ever since!!). We showered and got ready to go to a house warming party in the city.
A friend of ours had recently bought himself a lovely terrace house in a happening and funky part of town. I am simply in LOVE with those cool colonial frontage houses. Everything from the oh so cosy fire place to the colonial visage and the narrow back yards and tiny balconies. I secretly wished I could buy myself one too. But a year ago, we opted for a brand new comtempo apartment instead, which I am ALSO absolutely in love with too... *silly smile*
Anyhow, the party was a dash but we knew it was time to leave when people started rolling up the “good stuff”. The unmistakable rubbery sweet smell of weed.
I [of course] was the designated driver. Almost stall the car twice on our drive home.
Damn those 5 gear manual transmission!
And with that, I end my (never ending) story of my day spent in a nice surburbia way... =)
Tuesday, September 06, 2005
The Man Made Beach

But now, looking at the little kiddies splashing around in the safety of the confined toddler zone. Parents watching away looking absolutely relaxed and stress free. I suddenly thought to myself- What a great idea!
An Indescribable Moment

Thus the saying …What a lucky country we live in… sigh…. I concur… =)
er...Belts Galore??

Friday, September 02, 2005
Decisions decisions decisions

My company car has reached its 3-years life span. So come October, I'm going to get a smacking brand new wheels of steel. Woohoo!!
All I have to do now is to decide on the color.
Should I go seductive Vespers metallic blue or mysteriously fierce Phantom black (ggrr)? Hmmm….
Wednesday, August 31, 2005
Another mid-week shout out
I have been SO busy since I got back from Brisbane last Thursday it is starting to throw me off my tracks!
On top of my crazy never ending pile of work. And the getting frequent interstate travelling.
My weekly after office hour commitments are;
* Monday – Climbing
* Tuesday – Bible Study in the city
* Wednesday – Climbing
* Thursday – Dinners @ the mall + Grocery shopping
* Friday – NOTHING!!! Besides my monthly music practice for church
* Saturday – Clean the house. And supposedly another nothing day. But somehow we always have some errands to run!
* Sunday – Full day of ABM (Asian Bible Ministry) & ABC (Asian Bible Church) duties. Gorcery shopping for the week.
And of course the other mundane chores like planning and cooking our dinners for the week. Cleaning, washing and ironing. Writing in my blog. And attending to my garden.
Not including our social commitments of dinner parties, bbqs and catch up coffees. And lunches with the family!!
And consistently lurking in the back of my mind. Classes that I want to sign up for; Textile, Internet Design, Starting a small business, Moore College bible classes!! AH!!!
Where will I find the time!!!
For all those out there who needs an extra 24hrs a day and are still hanging on with a smile on your face. Especially those with babies!!
I salute you.
Sunday, August 21, 2005
Catching up

Just over an hour flight from Sydney and I am bathing in the glorious sunshine of a perfect spring day! I am in heaven. “sigh”
I met up with my friend [Zhi Ling] for lunch. We go way back to uni days. I met her while trashing out my stress and tension over a game of badminton at UWA. We insistently hit it off. And we have kept in touch ever since. =)
The only chance we get to catch up is when I take business trips up north. It was nice that we could always pick up from where we left off. Though I have to say. She has gotten a lot smarter. Must be because of the phD course she is doing.

After lunch at a Vietnamese restaurant. We took a stroll down Southbank and visited the Southbank Craft Market.
Found Nelson Molloy! [AH!] And some of the pieces were on sale! [double AH!!]. Bought myself a couple of tops and a pair of crossroad pants.
And of course a couple of those delightful obi belts. HEHEHE…
Saturday, August 20, 2005
What do I do?
Together with 5 other colleagues, we will be exhibiting at Australia’s largest trade show for the Power Utility market.
Now for those of you who do not have a single clue of what I actually do to make a living?! What THE…??
Let me see if I can explain. Simplified version of course….
I sell medium to high voltage connectivity to support the power distribution network, mostly govern by power utilities. So that is anything that is related to jointing and terminating a cable that transmit 11kV to 33kV [voltages] to transformer switchgears or distribution stations. That subsequently transmits power to your offices and homes!
So now you know.
I am the reason you could watch TV and take a warm shower.
Yes my friends. I have the POWER!!! WAH HA HA HA!!!
See you all next week!
Friday, August 19, 2005
Shot glasses and Spoons

Choice of restaurant. Ocean Room.
We were seated at a cosy corner with high lounge seats facing the Opera House. It was truly breathtaking.

I had to take a picture of it. Hehe… how embarrassing.
Thursday, August 18, 2005
Something borrowed something ……..Turquoise??
Wednesday, August 17, 2005
Just a mid-week shout out
You know. When not too many things are thrown your way. But just enough to distract you from time. And than miraculously. It is 6pm! And suddenly the week is almost over!
Great feeling isn’t it.
I hope you are all having a good week.
Happy mid-week everyone!
Sunday, August 14, 2005
I know that some of you are finding it hard to leave comments on my blog. Well. I've edited my settings to allow everyone (yes, even non-members) to have your say!
Just click on Comments, than check Others when leaving your comments and click on Publish Your Comment.
Otherwise. Email works for me as well.
Thanks for the feedback!
Saturday, August 13, 2005
Lord of the Rings

Boy is it long.
The Fellowship of the Ring has 48mins added on to its already long 3hrs.
I am not going to mention how long the other 2 are.
It took me almost 5 days to complete the 3 series.I sat till my bums were sore. And it was STILL going!
Don’t think I’ll be watching it again anytime soon.
hmmm…. Salem does look awfully a lot like Gollum. eekk!