I finally made a breakthrough with climbing today. It has been over 2 months since I got back into serious bouldering. A break way too long in the world of bouldering. Apparently you loose finger muscles after just one week of non-activity!
Before my trip to Japan, I was slowing graduating onto the 3s and 4s routes [which translate to intermediate]. It had taken me about 2 – 3 months of hard sweat, lots of grunting, pains, and perseverance to get there.
Now, I’ll be laughing if I could finish a 1! [yes... for beginners]. Arrgg.
So a week ago, I told myself. It is either the hard way or the high way. I have been working my ass off for the past few weeks and today, I actually [with the help of some new found friends] made a break through and managed a 2 relatively comfortably! Hey! I’m SO proud. *BEAM*
I got light headed and thought I may just be able to take on a [sometimes extremely challenging] 3!
Ooohh Maannn, what a mistake. I dangled. I heaved. I panted. I grunted. It was not a pretty sight.
I sat in front of tele later that night groaning and whinging away at my sore body. The finals of the State of Origins was on and I could literally feel every single tackle. Oouuucchhh….
I am SO going to pay for it tomorrow.
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