Pun intended. *chuckle*
The course is designed to equip Christians with an evangelistic tool called 2 Ways to Live. It uses 7 stick drawings to illustrate the gist of the gospel and presents 2 alternative ways to live at the end. The form is simple, logical, and clear. Making it an awesome tool to use. Will definitely do a post on it soon.
So yesterday was graduation dinner. And the graduating class toddled down to Broadway for a Malaysian feast in a not so Malaysian restaurant. And gave each other brain storming murder riddles as entertainment for the night.
Haha.. it was good fun.
Incidentally: the “man ate burger turn gun on himself” riddle is still giving me the creeps man. Thanks Andrew. *squeal*
Hi Serene - found you on blogger forum. Here's a link to a Christian webring I found http://f.webring.com/hub?ring=christian& -enjoyed reading your blog!
Thanks! I'll be sure to visit yours!
restaurant looks cool.
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